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Time Warp
Your Biz Growth Light Years Ahead
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How did you hear about me?
What makes you stand out amongst other applicants and why do you think we should work together?
Have you launched before, or is this your first time? (I'll be gentle, I promise 😉)
Care to share your current monthly revenue?
Care to share your target monthly revenue for this business?:
What would be the most important criteria for your success as we work together?:
What's your ideal start date?
Do you have the financial resources to invest in a cosmic happy hour or rising influencer coaching package by Sage?
Do you have the financial resources to invest in a cosmic happy hour or rising influencer coaching package by Sage?
Got a gmail account or GSUITE-enabled email address?
Is that the best email address to contact you at? If not, please supply an alternate email
Who else on your team should have access to the shared google folder? (Use a comma to separate multiple email addresses)
Which package would you like?
Which package would you like?
Cosmic Happy Hour
Rising Influencer
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Sage Polaris
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